Friday, May 30, 2014

Puppy chain maille

I had just finished paying bills on the computer and saw the link for a blog I created for my brother Joe.  It is a blog about my journey in making him a chain maille coif.  I opened up the blog and took a short stroll down memory lane. 

At one point I had made a chain maille coif for my cat Cyclops.  And it was funny, really, really funny. 

Then I think to myself, I should make a coif for my puppy!!!  Blu is now 9 month old.  And he is a crazy puppy.  I don't know if he would even wear it, but I think it would be awesome. 

I will have to think on this more.  But maybe...

Thursday, December 5, 2013

What the hell have I done...

Have you ever had that moment of deep down wanting to do something.  But everything else in you says, "Eh, what are you thing?"

That happened to me this weekend.  Our family got a dog. 

My boys have wanted a dog for a long time, a really long time.  My husband was fine with getting a dog, but he goes to work every day, and travels quite often.  So the decision to get a dog was mine.  As I would be the one home with it all day long, and have to deal with it. 

Everyone knew that the whole decision making process was held in my hands alone.  AH, Power!!!

I like dogs, I like them alot.  We currently have a cat.  Cats are easy.  Even my very special needy cat is easy.  Dog are not easy.  Puppies are worse. 

I grew up with a German Shepherd named Suki.  He was hands down the best dog ever.  We got him when he was a couple of years old.  He was already housebroken and very well trained.  He was an amazing dog.  I have many good memories of Suki. 

Why should I deny my boys the same opportunity, simply because dogs are not easy? 

I broke down and agreed to get a puppy.  I wanted a puppy so that I could train him he way I think a dog should act.  I don't want to get a dog who has already learned bad behaviors. 

Our puppies name is Blu, he came with the name.  We thought of changing it, but no one could agree on a name, and the boys liked the name Blu, so it stays. 

Blu has been doing quite well in the potty training area, well I think he is... I don't have much to compare it to.  But accidents do happen.  And they do not make me happy.  I know it is party of puppies, part of growing up and learning.  I still don't like it. 

My youngest son is finally old enough to be potty trained, no more diapers, no accidents, no need for baby gates.  Now I find myself back in the potty training business, back at looking at baby gates, baby puppy toys. 

I have read and have been told that puppies will learn quite quickly if you consistantly work with them.  I hope this is true.  I really don't want my house to forever more smell like dog pee.  *sigh*

Sunday, November 24, 2013

In a funk

Do you ever find yourself in a funk?  Right now I feel as if I am in a church funk.  What you don't know what that is?  Well I am happy for you. 

You may ask what qualifies as being in a church funk. 

Ever has those moment where you just aren't "feeling it".  You don't really want to go to church, for no good reason, you just don't feel like going?  You go to your lessons and you just aren't "feeling it"?  You come home and question why you went, feeling like you did not get anything out of it. 

Ever feel that way?  Well that is a funk. 

It is not that I have lost my testimony.  It is not that I don't believe.  It just feels like at this moment in time, I for what ever reason am having a hard time "feeling it". 

I know that I am the one lacking.  Maybe I am not listening well enough for the spirit, maybe I am ignoring what I hear.  It is hard to say.

What I do know is in times when you are in a funk the best solution is to plod along.  Go to church especially when you don't want to.  Listen to your meetings even when they are boring you to tears.  Be patient, this will pass.

From my own experience I have found that often times when I feel like I am in a funk, I will eventually learn something significant at the end of it all.  Something significant to me, to my personal progression.

At some point I will find myself enjoying church, find myself being touched by the spirit during a lesson.  Find myself wanting to improve myself.

For now I wait, I listen, I plod along...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I just want to buy the house...

We are trying (yes I say trying) to buy a house. And I have always heard stories about the crazy things that happen when buying or selling a house.  So we when started this adventure I was unsure of what to expect.

Yes we have owned a home before, but we built that house, and it seemed much much easier that time.

I am going with the theory that all the craziness is on the part of the seller.  It is just not possible that I would be crazy, right?  RIGHT?!?!

At this point in the game she is threatening to not sign the closing papers.  Our realator is shocked, she said she has never before had a seller refuse to sign closing papers.  It is normally the buyers who get cold feet and walk away. 

This is giving me much anxiety.  Way too much anxiety.  I just want to buy a house, move and try to get life back to normal.  Maybe that is too much to ask.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Back to school

Yesterday started the new school year.  My boys were so excited to be going back to school.  I kept telling them that school was way more fun than staying home with boring mom.  To which they agreed. 

Everyone came home from school happy as can be.  Which I think is always a huge relief to the parents. 

One more example in how I have been blessed with such great kids.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Happiness is a choice?!?!

I was just reading a friends blog.  She made a comment about making a choice to be happy. 

Choosing happiness?  Hummmmm

Sure there are times in my life where I have been happy, I have been sorrowful, made, filled with joy. 

But I guess I have not stopped to think that I indeed have the power to choose how I feel.  To take all those outside influences which shove their way into your emotional state, and cast them away.  Make a choice to be happy. 

I look back at my last two years here in Texas.  When we first got here, I was thinking this will be an adventure, something new, a good "growing experience".  I soon came to the conclusion that I was NUTS!  I had no idea what I was thinking, how in the world could I be happy in Texas. 

I would have done anything to pack up and move back home.  Home = Utah, Home = Riverton, Home = Happiness.  You know, HOME, the place where I moved to when I was eight years old, HOME that place that has twisted it's way into my heart in such a way that leaving was painful.  HOME, where everyone has the same unique accent, where they understand the joys of odd things like fry sauce.  HOME, where the culture might be a bit odd, but familiar and enjoyable none the less.

But along the way, my intense desire to move back home began to fade.  I started to have strange thoughts and feelings that maybe, just maybe, I could stay in Texas for a little while, a short while.  And somehow be okay with that.  Maybe not happy with Texas, but okay with it.

Then comes this idea that I can choose to be happy.  Happy in Texas.  Happy where ever life leads.  It is within my abilities to make this happen in my life.  Which will also be reflected in my childrens lives. 

For someone who does not deal with change well, this is something I need to embrace.  Let go of outside influences and make a choice within myself, a choice of happiness.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

baked "fried" chicken

This looks really good.  I would like to give it a try.  Posting it here so I will not loose it.  :-)

Baked Fried Chicken}
I am pretty sure that I have discovered the KFC secret recipe! It is DEAD ON! It is also baked...not fried and there isn't any skin! So you get to enjoy the taste of the seasoning, instead of pulling it off because of the slimy skin!

This is super easy and you are TOTALLY going to love it!

Place thawed chicken breast tenderloin strips in a bowl of milk. Let soak for 20-30 min.

Mix in a Gallon Size Ziploc or Large Bowl:
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 T Season All
3/4 tsp Pepper
1 c. Flour
2 tsp. Paprika

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut 1/2 stick of butter into a few pieces and place in a 9x13 pan. Melt butter in pre-heated oven.

Spread melted butter around the bottom of the pan. Lightly spray the pan, if needed, to make sure that there are no dry spots.

Shake excess milk off of chicken and completely coat each piece with the seasoning mix. You can either shake the chicken in the bag, until coated, or dip each piece in the bowl until coated.
Place each piece of chicken in the pan.

Cook for 20 min. Turn each piece of chicken and continue cooking for 20 more minutes, or until cooked through.